Elliott had an incredible discussion with frontman Dug Pinnick of King’s X before their show at Sony Hall in NYC.
Right as the interview takes off, Doug goes into detail on a story about how he was abducted by an alien (who he though was Jesus at first) and that he later saw a visual description of what he encountered on a show about different species of aliens. He ended the story with saying “Some people say ah, it’s in your mind, whatever…but it happened” [laughs} “so I believe it and I’ve seen UFO’s.”
Another highlight of the interview is when Doug reveals that he has 25 new songs written that could be material for a new King’s X record but he hints at the fact that he’s been ready to record, although his band members have not been on the same page when it comes to wanting to get the record done, hence his involvement in other projects. “Hopefully there will be a new King’s X record, I don’t know for sure. Everybody’s dragging their feet”…”I’m ready to make a record, I’ve been ready to make a record for the last ten years”.
Doug also reflects on his friendship with the late Dimebag and Vinnie of PANTERA while mentioning that Dimebag had told him that there wouldn’t be a Pantera if it wasn’t for King’s X. He then talks about some of his memories of the Abbott brothers, including the times when he heard their new songs before they became widespread as well as the last time he spoke to Vinnie a few weeks before he passed away.
At the very end of the interview when Elliott asks him about his views on religion and PC culture, Doug explains how he thinks that politically correctness has gotten ridiculous while bringing up subjects like the “N-word”, the confederate flag, and certain slang that people use while not necessarily having bad intent. He also defends his friend Phil Anselmo on the incident at Dimebash: “They say he’s racist because he went on stage and did the ‘Hail Hitler’, he just did it to be stupid. All his girlfriends are black. I mean, he’s one of my best friends.”
Watch the full interview here: