Elliott recently met up with Mina Caputo of LIFE OF AGONY at the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, NJ to talk before her last show of the year. Early in the conversation, Mina mentioned their plan to start writing new material now that they are done touring for the year:
“We go in to start writing for the new record because we’re due in June, for another record.”
The conversation quickly moved on to politics when Elliott asked Mina what she would do if she was president:
“Well first of all, the president’s just a puppet. The president doesn’t mean anything. Doesn’t matter if it’s Trump, Clinton, Obama, Bush, Reagan, they’re all puppets. They don’t rule the world. They don’t run the world. The one percent at the top of the pyramids run the world. The federal reserve”
Mina continued on to say that she personally would create a system that nurtures humanity if she had to be the president.
Given the nature of the hardships that Mina has gone through in her life (she mentions the death of her parents in the immediate opening of this video) and a lot of the subject matter in LIFE OF AGONY’s lyrics, Elliott asked her if she would like to say anything to any of her fans who may be struggling with depression or suicidal thoughts.
“What can I say? Ya know…I’ve had my own share and I don’t think anything that anyone can tell me is gonna really help me. Cuz you gotta, kinda help yourself.”
Mina continued on the subject and came to the answer of “reaching for fun” in order to try and feel better while staying away from hard drugs, alcohol & pharmaceutical companies and trying anything natural. But she stressed the fact that she can’t speak for someone else:
“But again, I wanna be really careful. I can’t speak for someone else. I can’t answer that question genuinely, to be honest. Cuz it’s not my place to.”
The full interview can be seen below in which the subject of life after death and Mina’s thoughts on defining what having a soul means to her:
“I feel my mom and my dad more with me now than when my dad was on the planet with me. So I don’t believe in death. I believe we should just rename death as the rebirth journey.”
Elliott ends off the interview with some fun questions for Mina which make for a really good laugh after she was asked what her favorite types of movies are.
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