Elliott hung out backstage with Ben Falgoust of Ghoatwhore before they played their set at the Gramercy Theatre in NYC. During his chat with Elliott, Ben revealed that they plan to head into the studio to work on their next record towards the end of 2019 for their follow-up to their latest album Vengeful Acension as they won’t be touring as much at that point:
“We already have a few skeleton structures of songs kinda worked out. Sammy has a lot of riffs and he throws these little ideas all together and shares it with everybody.”
Earlier on in the interview, Ben discussed his thoughts on death and the fear of dying:
“I was in an accident in 2001 and it was pretty bad, I broke both legs, both ankles. I was in the hospital a long time and had a bunch of surgeries. And I kind of confronted the idea of death a lot during that time period. And I think I kind of embraced it. To me it’s like…whenever it happens, it happens.”
Ben continued on the subject with: “I still feel like death is always following me because I feel like I cheated him”
When asked what he wanted for Christmas, Ben replied with the following:
“I want people to appreciate metal more-so than they ever have before. That’s what I want. Because people don’t realize how unique metal is and how hard all these bands work to do this, and what they do in the whole scheme of things. Ya know, I really believe too that nowadays metal is more like, intelligent and it has so many more ideas within it.”
Today I’ll be talking about bands that you should be supporting/listening to while quarantined! I’m only gonna include 3 of the bands I talked about in the video. Let’s get into it! The first band […]
Hey everybody! Today I’ll be writing about our new instrumental song “Mary the Marionette”. Let’s get into it! This is a song my father wrote. I’ve always loved this song because it sounds very goth […]
Hello everybody! It’s Elliott and today I’ll be updating you guys on whatever is happening with me at the moment (Music I’m listening to, my acting, and my interviews)! Let get into it! So if […]