Hello everybody! Today I will be talking about what has going on the last few weeks!
Lets get into it! The first thing that I want to talk about is my acting! I have been grinding nonstop with auditions and filming. Since the last time I blogged, I’ve gotten a movie review gig, a voice over/over dub gig, and a commercial. Tomorrow I have to do another voice over but it is for the same commercial that I did a week or two ago. It’s a lot of hard work and the bus commute in and out of the city is literally soul-killing. Just the other day there was dude that was eating a burger with ketchup and drinking a beer on the bus, then he snored the loudest I’ve ever heard when he went to sleep. I’m also a super germ freak so when ever I hear someone cough or sneeze it goes right into my soul. But I get through it and do the best I can do for every audition and every gig.
Just a couple of days ago I posted a video of me wearing a goat mask while playing my own riff called “Sunday Night Riffs.” I want to do this more often and post videos of me either doing covers or my own riff/song, so be on the look out for more videos like that to come!
Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of music, especially metal. I’ve just gotten into this band called Archspire and I LOVE them! They’re a technical death metal band and throughout their Relentless Mutation album they have super crazy guitar solos and an all-around awesome sound. Definitely check them out if you haven’t heard them! I also absolutely love the new Amon Amarth album. I did a video on that album so check that one out as well! But other than Amon Amarth and Archspire, I’ve been listening to a lot of the And Justice for All Metallica album as well as Megadeth.
Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you have an awesome METAL DAY!