So far Terrifier 2 has been one of the best experiences of my life. I still can’t believe that I’m going to be in Terrifier 2. the filming has been going /looking very good so far! I am so appreciative to have my parents. They basically put me in the best possible place I could be in life. I am also very thankful for people like Damien Leone and the rest of the crew, including Mike, Jason, and Steve from Fuzz on the Lens Productions. They all work constantly! when ever I think I work hard, Damien is working 50 times harder and it’s the same situation with the rest of the crew, including Olga, Jackie, Steve, Faith, Lauren, and David!
This last stretch of filming that we just did was a fun and challenging one. Lauren and David have been doing a phenomenal job. I cannot wait to film more and for this movie to come out!!
Lately I’ve been listening to Nirvana’s “Nevermind” and it’s amazing! I think “Lithium” and “Come As You Are” are my top favorites. I love how Nirvana uses the Chorus sound for guitars a lot. And Kurt Cobain has an incredible voice. It sometimes reminds me of Corey Taylor’s voice and I don’t know why. Also some of their songs have a little bit of a Beatles vibe to them. This is definitely an album I’m gonna be listening to for a long time.
I’ve still also been in that Bad Brains vibe. I love that raw power they have. I recently checked out online how they are live and it gave me goosebumps. Their live performance made me want to make a punk band. I even started writing some lyrics.
THANK YOU FOR READING THIS!!! I hope you have a wonderful rest of your day!