Hey everybody! Today I’ll be writing about the songs I’ve been listening to the last couple of days. Let’s get into it!

Recently, I’ve been in a mellow music type of vibe. So this week I started off o1n a Elliott Smith binge. I’ve been listening to mainly the Roman Candle and Either/Or album. I watched the Elliott Smith documentary “Heaven Adores You” and that kind of put me in this mood. Elliott Smith is my favorite songwriter in general. The main song I’d listen to on rotation would be “Angeles”. It’s a very beautiful song, It sounds like you’re having a good day.

After listening to Elliott Smith for a while, I slowly drifted into listening to Radiohead. I think for my favorite Radiohead album, it has to be between “In Rainbows” and “Kid A”. The main songs from Radiohead I’ve been listening to has been “Jigsaw Falling Into Place”, “Kid A”, and “How To Disappear Completely”. I think Jigsaw Falling Into Place is one of the most perfectly written songs on the planet. It makes me feel like I’m walking on a path in the middle of the woods. Tom Yorke is on my bucket list for interviews.

Now, everybody knows The Beatles. One of the most legendary bands in history. Lately I’ve been listening to a lot of Beatles. Personally their self -titled album is my favorite and I think my favorite Beatles song has to be “I’m So Tired”. I love the singing structure. My other favorites are “Blackbird”, “Dear Prudence”, “Mother Nature’s Son” just to name a few.

Now after listening a whole bunch of mellow music, I decided I wanted to change it up with some Type O Negative. I think Type O is one of my favorite bands in general. I love them because they sound like a more goth/evil version of Black Sabbath and they put the cherry on top with Peter Steele’s frankenstein-sounding vocals. He is one of the best singers/frontmen of all time for me. And you can’t forget one of my main influences on guitar, Kenny Hickey. If you haven’t listened to Type O Negative, I highly suggest giving either “Bloody Kisses” or “World Coming Down” a listen.
I hope you enjoyed reading this. I hope you all stay safe and have a nice rest of your day!
Thank you!!