Today I just wanted to talk about something simple/that I love and that is my guitar. So let’s get into it.
So I have a Tanglewood TWCR-OE Crossroads Orchestra Guitar with Electronics Whiskey Barrel Burst. We found it at a guitar store in Philadelphia on South Street and I was immediately in love with this guitar. It looked cool, sounded great, felt amazing and now it’s my favorite guitar that I own.
After doing some research, I found out that it pays homage to the classic 1930s America sound and look. I thought that was pretty interesting. Most of the body of the guitar is made out of mahogany wood and then the fingerboard and bridge are both made out of Tech Wood. Another cool thing about it is that this guitar was handcrafted and designed in the United Kingdom.
So far this beauty has not disappointed me anytime that I play it. It stays in tune pretty well, too. I also have not seen a single other person with this type of guitar. So it make me feel even more at home and a little different from everyone that uses Martin, Taylor etc. Not like there is anything wrong with those brands, of course. In fact, whenever we’d go to a guitar store, we would always take a look at the Martins. But they were too expensive. This guitar costs only around 150- 250 bucks while still having that good quality-factor to it at the same time.
It even sounds amazing plugged into an amp! Just last night, I plugged this guitar into my Fender amp that has some cool effects on it and I used a metal slider with it. It sounded very ghostly and reminded me a lot of 16 Horsepower (Btw if you haven’t listened to them, you should definitely give that band a listen).
Recently, I’ve been recording some songs onto my garage band app with my Tanglewood and I think it’s going pretty well. Once I get a bunch of songs ready, I REALLY want to record them at a studio. But anyways, thank you for reading this cute little blog about my guitar! I hope you have an amazing rest of your day!