I had the chance to interview the incredibly talented Damien Leone a little while a go and it was a BLAST!! He came over to our apartment for this discussion and I’m so happy to be able to call him a friend. Let’s get into it!
If you don’t know, I was cast into Terrifier 2 and it was the best experience of my life. I’m very thankful for a person like Damien and I’m very happy I had the opportunity to interview him.
In the interview, we talked about all sorts of things and had plenty of good laughs. But the coolest and most important part of the entire interview was when he mentioned a little tid-bit about Terrifer 2 that he never said publicly before!! Now, I’m not just going to go ahead and spoil the big news. You’re going to have to watch the video!! But all I could say is that it’s some really cool information!
We also went into the basic fun questions like “If you could have one super power, what would it be?”, “What do you think happens after you die?” and “If you could fix one thing on this planet, what would you fix?” and he had some pretty great answers! I highly suggest everybody gives this video a watch because it was one of my personal favorites.
I honestly cannot wait for this movie to come out! I think it’s going to be way better than Terrfier 1.
Thank y’all for reading this cute little write-up on my interview with Damien Leone. I hope everybody has a wonderful rest of their day!! The interview is below the behind the scenes photos: