Music has always been one of the greatest ways for me to feel better when I feel depressed. We felt that this video would be a great one to post especially during these times. I’ve been listening to these albums throughout the entire pandemic and it has really helped me. Let’s get into it!
I’m going to try make this quick and to the point because I don’t want to spoil too much of the video. Anyways, I’m going to start with metal first. For metal, it was very fun to make the list because it could either sound very dark and cold or just be classic metal. So I included bands like Immortal, Celtic Frost, and Type O Negative while also having Motörhead and Iron Maiden.
Metal is very important to me when it comes to feeling better but I had to include a separate list where I talk about my top 10 non-metal albums. I feel like it’s very important to mix up what type of music you listen to every so often and I felt like Elliott Smith, Radiohead and Nick Drake are essential for me when I need to feel better. I also included a few punk bands too because punk is a big part of my life.
Thank you for reading my short little write-up for my video. If you’re interested in watching this video, then you could view it in the link below! Have a nice rest of your day!