We couldn’t help ourselves not to post a video about this album because it is without a doubt amazing and (in my opinion) their best record since the “Keeper of the 7 Keys” albums. I’m going to try and do more reviews like this because there is going to be a lot of awesome albums coming out and I cannot hold my excitement back!
This record is filled with incredible songs and my main favorites are “Fear of the Fallen”, “Mass Pollution”, “Angels” and “Skyfall”.
I loved all the cool soundscapes and instruments they experimented with this record. When metal bands do stuff like this, it keeps me refreshed. My only criticism is that I wish they did more of the cool/different sounds. I also loved the way Michael Kiske, Kai Hansen, and Andi Deris harmonize with each other throughout the album . Every singer is amazing and they definitely used this to their advantage.
If you want to hear me go more in depth about these, you should watch the video!! Links below!! Also, Dad Rock episode 4 is out too!!