Hello everybody! Today you’re going to read what’s been going on with me lately. This is where I talk about music I’ve been listening to, my acting career and basically anything new that’s been happening! Let’s get into it!
This first thing I want to talk about is the music that I’ve been listening to lately. If you didn’t know, I recently interviewed the owner of the Vinyl Altar record store (Christopher) and one of the records I bought was “Give Me Convenience or Give Me Death” from the Dead Kennedys. This album is INCREDIBLE, my favorite song on this album is “California Uber Alles”. The cool thing about this song is that I recognized it from a skateboard game that I used to have on my old Nintendo DSI years ago. I also absolutely love the way the singer sings, he sounds like a crazy cartoon character! I also bought a new Power Trip album called “Opening Fire” which is a collection of older stuff. It has that iconic old school thrash and Slayer sound to it, especially the solos. I am very glad I got that album because it has limited edition red colored vinyl too!
I just recently got an awesome acoustic guitar while I was in Philadelphia and it just sounds, feels, and looks so perfect. But it was a guitar brand that I have never heard of before! The brand is called Tanglewood and it’s a UK-made guitar. It was pretty affordable for a guitar (under $200) and that’s why I was able get it. I got it with my own money that I have been saving up from my roles/gigs so that feels pretty good, too. I can’t wait to start writing songs and playing with that guitar!!
I didn’t have too many auditions in the last week or so but yesterday I had two self-tapes (video auditions). I think I did very well; I guess we’ll see what happens with those! I also recently booked a voice-over for an awesome podcast. It’s horror-themed story so I am very excited for it, but I don’t think I can reveal much info on that yet! One actor that I absolutely love is Bryan Cranston. I just started watching Breaking Bad and he his pretty amazing in it. Just the faces/reactions he makes when acting is perfect. He really turns into his character when acting. I hope one day I could be just as good as him at acting!
Oh yea, and I also interviewed my friend Nicole at her and her girlfriend’s new store in Philadelphia called South Street Art Mart! They have some of my mom’s awesome artwork in their shop as well as art from many other local artists. You can see the video below.
Thank you SO much for reading! I hope you have a nice rest of your day!